Sunday, July 13, 2008

Atheism for the Masses

One of the truest statements uttered by man must have been, "there needs be opposition in all things." Truer words have never been spoken. Especially now. If there was any time in history for good men to follow the counsel given in Jeremiah 1:17 that time is now. "Thou therefore gird up thy loins, and arise, and speak unto them all that I command thee: be not dismayed at their faces, lest I confound them before thee." and in the same book and chapter verse 19 reads, "and they shall fight against thee; but they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee, saith the Lord, to deliver thee." Well that time has now come. The time for all good men of faith (regardless of what that faith may be) to gird up his/her loins and contend with the our emboldened Atheist movement that, with evangelic zeal, is openly deriding and ridiculing our God. 3 Atheist books on the New York Times best seller list is only a glimpse of the things to come. That "best seller" title only comes with selling lots of books. The atheist message has appeal. Americans are looking for any reason to allow and excuse themselves to degenerate into the basest form. Being accountable to nobody, not even their God and creator.

The last several months I have been quite active perusing different blog and editorial sites in discussions about religion. Never have I seen or felt such hatred and meanness as I have witnessed in the writings and opinions therein. I stand amazed at the absolute contempt and ridicule these so called "atheists" or "humanists" heap upon our God and in particular, ones belief in Jesus Christ as his son. Such an astonishing amount of scorn and ridicule is directed at his name and those who would follow him and his teachings leads one to wonder....why? Why would a person take something another human being deems as holy and sacred and attack it and laugh it to scorn? Why? Thats a great question and one that is very telling in describing those who focus so much of their attention trying to disprove the existence and belief in a Supreme Creator. Why would one of these, in their most secret recesses of their heart, find so much contempt and hatred for such a one as Jesus Christ when they don't even believe he existed? Can you, the reader, conjure up as much malice toward something or someone you don't believe exists in the first place? I think not. And as these accomplished blasphemers use the existence of the Stalins, Hitlers, Crusaders, or whatever their choice may be as evidence that a God must not exist, I would submit to the contrary. With all things that are good in this world, there is evil also.

As our historical writings we call scripture teaches your fellow man and do good unto them, being full of compassion and service to them, there are those who would adopt these things as their own and call themselves "humanists". Putting off the existence of a God and deriding his teachings and writings as being written by a bunch of "desert nomads". Whom would they prefer to have written anything that we call history? A lawyer? A Dentist perhaps? Or maybe a plumber, stone mason or ??? Amazing! How do we know that Alexander the Great did what he did? It was written. How do we know or suppose that The Shang Dynasty in China which existed from about 1700-1027 B.C was overthrown and supplanted by the frontier tribe called the Zhou and then began the Zhou Dynasty? It was written!! And in those writings was a recorded history of the peoples dealings with their God. But no! We cant have that, so those who would deny a Gods existence reduce these parts of the written history to "myth" status. Take it or leave it. Is it written history or not. Whom among these critics is qualified to separate a written history and proclaim some of it "myth" and the other as factual. None. Whom among these critics can disprove the existence of my God? None. On this existence I take many things upon Faith. While those who would ridicule my belief take their orders from various theories and hypotheses, I find myself privileged to assume that written history is no theory but factual in nature. I will continue to exercise a measure of faith and a belief in our written history and the promises and quality of life these beliefs bring to me. Knowing for a surety that when followed and lived, these principles will make for a better and more cohesive society. Unlike those fellows who would seek to destroy ones faith and live a more base existence. One in which passing on ones genetic material is a measure of their success. Try selling that one as a good to society when almost 50% of our children in America go to bed without a father in their home. Ya thats a good plan. Laughable.