Saturday, June 7, 2008

All For Vanity (less is more)

One of the great things in life is what one learns about life itself. The 40+ years of my life have taught me a great deal. The beauty of ones existence lies in ones experiences, the lessons learned therein, and what one yields from those experiences. Granted, the following essay probably wont yield me any kudos from the followers of the "consumer spending" economic model, but I would regard such lack as a great compliment. In stating such, I would submit to you that in life...less is more. Contrary to the belief of the majority of people, all those nice "things" one sees in the plethora of advertisements on your television set are not needed to make your life happy. No...buying that sweet 60" LCD to watch your trashy programming may make your day, week, or maybe even your month but that about as good as it gets. Then you have to pay for the stupid thing. The TV set is only an example. Maybe its your "dream home", or your "dream car" or whatever "dream" you may have. Then inevitably the "dream" ends when the "dream" silently tells you to "get your ass outta bed and go to work to pay for me". Plus interest in most cases. Yea what a great dream....usually one that transforms itself into a nightmare. Been there, done that, never to repeat the same mistake. Many years ago I, I had several conversations with a friend of mine. He proceeded to try to convince me of the validity of his theory that more money, more nice "things" equates to giving your children an "advantage". I couldn't disagree more and actually believe the opposite is true. Yea thats what I want to unleash on society.... another high maintenance little brat. I recently have been privileged the last couple of years to do some finish carpentry on some higher-end homes in an affluent region in Utah. What I gained was a unique perspective on human nature and our tendency to "want" what is unimportant. Hardwood floors, granite countertops, fine stone flooring, expansive "space", expensive doors, expensive windows, expensive trim, expensive stainless appliances. Keyword? Expensive. All for vanity. To look upon it. To feel "better". Sure they have the money to spend. Or at least they hope to. I guess they better...with a 750,000 mortgage to pay for, they must be the most optimistic people in the world. Hard times better not come or there may be hell to pay. Hard times? Pfft! That wont happen. It will always get better. Or at least thats what they believe. They better believe that. They are locked into that lifestyle now. A high maintenance lifestyle. One in which their home, their car, their trips, their insurers, their interest tells them, no.....commands them to get out and pay for them. Thats fine by me. But me... I am so thankful to be me. To live in a modest home, to raise my own food, eggs, milk, to have my older vehicles paid for, to be able to take the day, or week off if I please with no one, or no "thing", to tell me I cant. Am I poor? I have money sufficient for my needs. Yes needs. Needs and a few wants. But I do have the things that make one truly happy. 6 healthy children and my freedom. Freedom from the hassles in life that vanity and worldliness bring. So as I finish up this essay, I look forward to going into my kitchen and cooking a few fresh eggs from my chickens, fresh sausage from my pork, warm homemade wheat bread topped with delicious new butter and an ice cold glass of milk from the goats I milked last night. Ah yes... it doesn't get any better than this. Then I will walk across my bargain tile floor (it bears my weight up and supports my feet just fine), sit on my stool I got on a closeout for 5$, place my plate upon my laminate countertop ( holds my plate just like granite)! Ahh, that was a tasty and nutritious breakfast. Now I will jump into the shower that has a few old tiles falling down...but wait... it gets me clean! Just as clean as a granite shower! Looks like a nice day outside my 50$ window. Maybe some rain this afternoon. Thankfully I have a roof over my head and a wood burning stove that heats my entire house if needed. Ah yes the freedom of a low maintenance lifestyle. Just like back in the day.....the better days. Sometimes "progress" like the modern day is a grievous burden to be borne. A burden one can choose to set aside if one sets aside Lucifer's favorite human vice, vanity.